Tongue Tie and Lip Tie release is generally offered at Myhealth Doctors Grand Plaza for babies aged 7 days to 3 months of age; however, she is able to assess babies less than 7 days old and up to 5 months of age and may perform procedure on these babies where indicated
Confirmation that Tongue Tie is the issue is based on: The diagnosis consultation and the procedure are done at the same appointment. A booking fee is taken via credit card, over the phone at the time of making your appointment, this is part payment for the service. Tongue Tie and Lip Tie releases are generally not performed until baby is one week of age and milk supply is in, to ensure symptoms are not transient. Dr Cahill is happy to review younger babies and make the decision at the consultation. Tongue Tie and Lip Tie releases are performed by Dr Melissa Cahill. Baby needs to fast for 2 hours before the procedure and will be ready to feed straight after the procedure is done. Our experience with releasing tongue ties and lip ties to allow for more successful breast-feeding and other benefits for young babies has been very positive.
FREQUENLTY ASKED QUESTIONS Q How do I know that my baby has a tongue tie or a lip tie? A Most of our patients are referred after assessment by a midwife or a lactation consultant. We feel it is important for mothers to see one of these health professionals prior to seeing us to ensure any other factors that contribute to difficult feeding are addressed first.
Q What symptoms may indicate my baby has a problem? A Symptoms that may indicate a Tongue or Lip Tie issue:
Q Is the baby in much discomfort? A Because we ask you to fast your baby prior to the procedure most babies seem more worried about their empty belly than the procedure. The procedure is very quick - under 30 seconds in most cases and once the baby is back with its parents and feeding, we observe that they settle very quickly.
Q Will my baby have any problems if I don't get the procedure done? A Some ties, if left, can go on to cause issues with dental health and speech. In saying this, some tongue ties and lip ties do go away by themselves in time. We cannot predict which ones will go and which will stay to cause issues later. . |
Myhealth Doctors Grand Plaza,
Shop GF 100 Grand Plaza Shopping Centre
Browns Plains Road
Browns Plains Qld 4118
Ph (07) 3809 4555
Between Flight Centre and Coles